Adding Insulation to a Rental Property? Yes or No

Some of our properties that were built in the 50's. Some of them have not had the insulation in the attic either put in from the start, or have had insulation that has settled to where it is not effective anymore. My question is that when should this property upgrade actually be more of a landlord concern, vs a benefit to the tenant.

My thought is that the insulation, while affects the overall general heating/cooling bill and thus tenants pocketbook, it actually might benefit the landlord by lowering HVAC replacement.

Here is my case in point:

We have our tenants replace their air filter on a frequent basis that pushes this 15 year expense out a little longer. And while that helps, my thoughts is to have the adequate insulation with the maintained HVAC might help the landlord's expenses in the long run as well as the tenants heating/cooling bill.

Agree or Disagree? Leave a comment below.


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