Adding Gas Meter To Convert Units

I own a 4 unit building that used to be 5 units. 2 of the units were converted to one big unit (upstairs and down) by removing a door and knocking a hole in a wall leading to a stairway.

I have had trouble renting the 5 bedroom unit and would like to convert it back to 2 seperate units.

However, when they originally converted it, they T'd the two units together on one gas meter. Now, I would like to seperate the units and need to put them back on seperate gas meters (electric too), but I need to add a gas meter. Does anyone know if the gas company will provide a meter, or if I have to buy one? Will they install it or do I have to have a plumber install it? Thanks for any help.


  • rmdane20004th December, 2004

    In my area, yes you pay for the meter, and the utility company has to install it...90% of the time, it's cost prohibitive. I can't remember what the cost to convert it is...but, just charge more in rent and say you pay for the gas...

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