Adding Addendum For Payment Of Heat

In most of my units I do have all separate heating so I do not have to worry about getting money from the tenants to pay for the heating or worry about myself paying for the heating bill while the tenants crank up the heat since they are not paying for it. I have just recently bought three more buildings, 9 units, and in one of the buildings there is only one furnance and it is too expensive to switch over and get another furnace so I get the house zoned, so that I can actually see what each unit is using and how much they actually owe for heat. Since the heat is still in my name and I have to collect the money for the heat, should I be adding a certain type of heating addendum and can I legally put in there that if they do not stay current with their heating bill that that gives me reason to evict them? I have thought about just increasing the rent to cover the heat but it worries me that when tenants know they are not paying for the heat, they abuse it then and of course I would end up paying a lot more money and losing cash flow.


  • lavonc14th April, 2005

    Do you mean Department of Social Services?

  • BaileMan14th April, 2005

    Yes...Department of Social Services. Section 8 is another branch of HUD (housing and urban development) just as the DSS is.

  • ray_higdon14th April, 2005

    I know some people will disagree with me but if you are in a strong rental area, I would prefer not to have them. They can be picky on the stupidest of things (the section8 inspectors) and I have found you can get higher rent that what they approve.

  • ray_higdon15th April, 2005

    No, not what I am saying. I have actually kept a section8 tenant where I was getting higher rent in the unit next door to it, this was an inherited tenant. We came close to not renewing her lease as the inspectors were telling us we had to get a new fridge as the lining on the inside of the fridge that keeps the suction was cracked, that and a few other items that were just stupid and we almost booted her, but in the end we kept her. On places we take over that are vacant, I would prefer to get non-section8 tenants as I can get higher rents than what they would approve. We take good care of our units and tenants so I feel we can get higher rent.

  • BaileMan19th April, 2005

    Thanks for the input LavonC... exactly what kind of info/input I was looking for.

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