Acquiring The Deed

This has probably been discussed before but I missed the answers...

My Title Co. in MD says I cannot acquire the Deed from a Seller before closing. However, Its been said to get the seller under contract quickly and have him deed you his property. Are we discussing the Deed he has in his possession when he closed on the house? Or is there a legal transferance of the Deed to the buyer (me). Can someone clear this up ?

Thanks confused


  • JohnLocke29th January, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    Could you give us an example of what type of investing you are doing, this would help in giving you an answer.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • gpm29th January, 2004

    Hi John, its good to meet you !

    This deal was a Option to Purchase where my intent was to wholesale to someone who could rehab, etc. The situation has changed since then.

  • JohnLocke29th January, 2004


    OK the deal has changed, I still do not know what you are trying to accomplish, take title to the property, exit strategy?

    John $Cash$ Locke

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