Absentee Owner Phone Number?

I got the name and address of an absentee owner, what is the best way to get the number? Are there any free ways to locate the number online?

All help is very much appreciated.

Isaiah wink


  • LarryTX27th October, 2004

    You can try looking them up on your local CAD site to see if information is available.

    Also Try:

    1. 1411
    2. www.anywhoo.com
    3. www.deadleads.com


  • Isaiahlove28th October, 2004

    Thanks, I will try looking them up, does "CAD" stand for County Adjusters Dept., if so I've look the info up at the Tax Assessor website and didn't find a number. But, I am going to go ahead and send out a letter to the owner to see if the will reply.


  • JeffAdams31st October, 2004

    I have had a lot of luck with:


    www.Merlindata.com is a paid search, but well worth it.. I have also used Maralogix as a skip-tracing service.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

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