Absentee Owner Lists

I work for a data company that specializes in these kinds of list (nationwide). Send me a PM and I will give you more information.


  • tmpringle3019th February, 2005

    I have to ask - where on www.realtor.com do you see an address to mail to? I do not see one, unless I have been missing it.

  • mfwalton9th February, 2005

    You could do a search on the property records for your particular county or any county that you are interested in. For instance, in Florida in my county, the property records not only give name and address of property owner, but tells you when it was built, fixtures, size and amenities such as waterfront, canal, etc. It will also provide comparable sales for the area. grin

  • mfwalton9th February, 2005

    You could do a search on the property records for your particular county or any county that you are interested in. For instance, in Florida in my county, the property records not only give name and address of property owner, but tells you when it was built, fixtures, size and amenities such as waterfront, canal, etc. It will also provide comparable sales for the area. grin

  • rbbb4010th February, 2005

    You could try Dun and Bradstreet ( dbml.zapdata.com ) depending on what your requirements are.

  • Pearly19th February, 2005

    You could go to your local title company and start a relationship there...a lot of times they are willing to provide you with the lists you want in any format you want (labels, spreadsheets, etc.) with the implied understanding that you will take care of them on the backside (i.e., when you buy a property, that you will buy your title ins from them).

  • dapatel13th June, 2005

    Title companies generally obtain their information from third parties. This leads to outdated information because currency isnt top priority. They are giving it away for free so what do you expect. Currency is important, specially in markets where there are constant sales because you want to make sure you are not prospecting to bad addresses. Send me a PM and I can provide you with a website that gives you access to curren info

    i can also be emailed at **Please See My Profile**

  • Samoa16th June, 2005

    There are courses out there that have them but they cost a bit. I spent $400 buck to get what you are asking for. The funny part is that after I took a look at them I realized that I could have done them my self. They were good but it is really what is behind the letter that matters. What I mean is that the first few I tried to write were about me and what my situation was and that I wanted the property. After reading just a bit on marketing I realize that I was going at it the wrong way. It may sound bad but people done care about you..they just want to know what is in it for them. It is the what have you done for me lately attitude. You need to tell them what you are going to do for them and give them a reason to call you. Have you tried writing one or two letters just to see what you come up with? I think if the letter shows them that there is some thing in it for them and also shows that the clock is ticking they may call. I don’t think there is any magic letter out there. I have heard on this site and elsewhere that 1% to 2% is about the norm for a response rate unless you really have your target adience nailed. It also depends on if you are going to hand write them, print them out from your computer or send them on a postcard. Narrowing down your target audience is the first step. Then try writing out a few letters and see what you come up with. That’s just my thinking… I am not any where close to being a guru but this is just my two cents worth.

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