ABN AMRO Mortgage Group

Anyone have any experience or suggestions when dealing with these folks? I just faxed in an authorization to release info letter yesterday and plan on my first phone contact today to short a property.

Just curious if anyone has dealt with them. Thanks in advance.


  • roccodawg2nd December, 2004

    Anyone?? I just contacted them after they received my authorization to release info letter and apparently they have several depts. that deal with this. The folks at this level sent the SS package to my seller and basically told me they needed to list the house with a Realtor for 90 days unless the financial statement in the SS package proved hardship. Essentially, they said if his debt ratio is too high and he can prove he really can't make his payment, they'll forgo this requirement. When asked, they said they didn't know what that ratio had to be.

    Then, when I asked them about the BPO details, when they order it, etc., they said that stuff is all handled by the "next dept." , once they receive the SS package back. So far, the package only has a financial statement in it to fill out, one months pay stubs, and a hardship letter. Seller is 2+ months in arrears and I'm not sure what to expect in the "next dept." Thanks in advance.

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