Abandoned Mobile Home On My Property

State: Florida
I purchashed a small lot of land at auction in May. There was a mobile home on the property and 3 weeks ago the current tenants abandoned the home.
I notified the owner and the mortgage company, by certified mail w/ return receipt, immediately following the abandonment. Niether has contacted me, but the mortgage company has placed a for sale sign on the home. Can the mortgage company take their precious time selling the mobile home on my property? Are there other steps I can take to have the mobile home removed without paying the cost? Are there other steps I can take to take ownership of the mobile home? I need answers. Is there anyone out there who can help? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • JTnOKC26th June, 2005

    You might want to come up with a resonable storage fee for this size lot in your area and let the bank know that they are behind on there lot rent payment. Not sure about FL. but you may be able to place a lein on the title assuming you want the mobile to begin with.

  • fh4rent15th June, 2005

    I am local and have seen similar. Although I do know of a fsbo for 78k, buyer to move in Lakeside. If you want the info let me know. Thanx, Don

  • JTnOKC26th June, 2005

    Maybe you two should look into repos in the area. I looked up San Diego at www.vmfrepos.com and found two under the price you are talking about. Find out who your Greentree "remarketing" rep is and you will have plenty. Good Luck[ Edited by JTnOKC on Date 06/27/2005 ]

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