A Suggestion

If a post violates the Forum Rules, it seems to me that the post should be deleted and NOT locked.

Locking the topic serves no purpose where the post breaks the rules. Locking a topic, I think, should be reserved only for those situations where no purpose would be served by the thread continuing (such as bashing or the same posters repeating themselves with no positive effect).



  • JohnLocke29th April, 2005


    Agreed if it violates the rules then locking serves no purpose as the violation is still apparent.

    If someone lets say is Lender Fishing then to just lock the post, still leaves the post available to lenders pounding the poster with offers and takes away from the Lenders here at TCI who paid their dues to get listed and by rights should get the TCI business.


  • LarryNut29th April, 2005

    I agree, bury it.

  • JohnLocke30th April, 2005

    Here is another "Glad you asked post"



  • LarryNut30th April, 2005

    I think those posts are my favorite of all. Cracks me up every time.

    Nancy visualizes sticking a needle in a baloon when she deletes a post. On these, I can see the smoke being blown away from the end of the barrel and being reholstered. Next.

  • woodsong30th April, 2005

    Maybe one of us can respond by saying we work for the FBI or something and we would like it if he would give us a call to explain in more detail his "technique"??

  • JohnLocke1st May, 2005


    I am involved on several fronts trying to help to see that legislation in a few states does not stop creative investing albeit in creative or conventional form.

    You are not far from wrong about who reads these discussion boards and how some of these posts work against our industry, no matter what the replies the post itself constitutes what some could consider prevelant in our industry.

    I understand that we cannot be responsible for every poster who has some idea that is illegal and posts it. We may even tell him it is wrong to do, but bottom line there are ones who will say we are full of it and some who will say yes it is wrong.

    I believe we just discussed deleting a post rather than locking it, if the post is left open for discussion and you find some posters defending this illegal action then the board watchers gather their information, however they will only use the bad info against us.


  • JohnLocke1st May, 2005

    I went back and reviewed this post, first this poster was trying to answer another post apparently, which was pointed out. So it should have fallen under the Being An Idiot, or I am lost in space and should have been deleted.

    Second it was pointed out it was "Bank Fraud" without any statutes or law as to why it is fraud. This is in itself not enough to prove what this poster posted constitures fraud, it is a personal opinion backed by no facts.


  • commercialking1st May, 2005

    Shucks, John, I only got your "being an idiot" notice after I had posted a reply and thought you were referring to me.

  • commercialking2nd May, 2005

    Well Woodsong, I see its gone. Apparently some the "other mods" agreed with John.

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