A Pay For Deletion Agreement?

I was told to ask the companies that the accounts I have in collections to send them your own "pay for deletion" agreement and tell them when you get it back signed by someone in authority, they'll get their check FedExed. Is there a form out there that exists? If I were to make my own what shoudl it say? I was thinking of faxing this to collection companies and having them fax it back. If one of there employees signed it, is it good enough to get it removed, or does it need to be signed by a specific person of authority? Thansk so much. Alida


  • Steena14th December, 2003

    Go to www.cleancreditclub.com and on the left hand side there is a scroll bar. Find the credit letters and click on it. They have one, and it's free. I think the feature article for this week is about something like what you described. There are many sites out there that have the information you are looking for, you just have to look.

  • Qutec17th December, 2003

    I can help you out with this, but I need more information to choose which guidance to give you.

    Explain the type of debt, who is owed, has it been sold to a debt collection agency?

    How old is it, ect...

    Don't jump right in to something that may not be in your best interest.

    This site is devoted to these topics:

    Give me a pm if you don't want to tell all in public.


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