A New Mobile Home Lender

Ok found something interesting, now dont everyone get excited this company from what I can tell only focuses on refi loans already in place for Mobile Homes.

Wouldnt that present some possibilities?

Anyway, I have someone I am going to shoot there way to see if they can in fact do what they claim. They claim they can lower the monthly payment as much as a few hundred dollars in some cases.
Hmm, well even a couple of hundred or 1 hundred dollars could be alot for some people.

Ill let you know if they succeed!!



  • fh4rent15th June, 2005

    the closest thing to MH I have considered is buying MHs fsbo in parks where they were not needing to be moved. Then rent them out as low income housing. Does this sound like something that could work? Or is there other forms of MH investing I should consider?

  • MarkB18th June, 2005

    Hmm what an interesting question not sure how I missed this but I did so sorry for not replying sooner.

    But to answer your question no, I havent added one, but I have seen it done. Do I think it a waisted expense? Hmmm, in my opinion I would think so.

    We have not had a problem in selling a unit where it was needed to get a home sold.

    But I have been thinking about some things that might assist, at least I feel like they might.

    You know, if you know anything about deck building you could really enhance a Mobile Home with a beautiful deck. I have seen a few decks around mobile homes that I felt was a real asset. But NOTE; I have also sen decks that made the home look ugly.

    You wouldnt want to go overboard but it could be a plus....

    MarkB[ Edited by MarkB on Date 06/23/2005 ]

  • MarkB23rd June, 2005

    Hi Joe,

    sorry so long in replying, been out of town on business.

    My website, those are repo units we have purchased, some we are putting on Land for land home packages others we sell.... for the most part I simply use it as a place to draw in buyers.
    To add value, ofcourse carpet, paint ect ect.... also new blinds..... but one that works great for us is the exterior, do a pressure wash we have a pro that comes out for $75.00 they scrub and pressure wash and can make it look in some cases almost new.

    Decks; Real plus if you are doing Land Home, but not needed, but for some buyers it makes it easier to close on.


    By the way good state for MH investing
    [ Edited by MarkB on Date 06/23/2005 ]

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