A Good Title Company In New York

Hi, Im a Newbie. i wanted to know if anyone knows of a good title company in NYC that is investor friendly and can do wholesaling?

What should i look for?

Thanks in advance smile


  • JohnMichael5th September, 2004

    Finding title companies:

    How many transactions does the company do? Find out how many employees the company has. A company that does hundreds of closings will be more informed about how to perform the service than a company that does only a few. Is the company sufficiently staffed for the amount of work they do?

    Find out if the company is part of the state title association or the American Land Title Association. If they are members, they are keeping abreast of state and federal level current trends and requirements. You can also contact your state insurance department or the Better Business Bureau to see if they have any information on the company.
    It's also vital to determine the company's financial strength. You want to know whatever you'd want to know about any business in terms of financial responsibility. Does the company have errors and omissions insurance? Fidelity bonds?

    I suggest going to http://www.alta.org/search/memsearch.cfm?stateabbr=NY

  • GIP_financialGroup5th September, 2004

    thanks a lot. are u currently working with a title company?
    if so, do they do double closings using your buyer;s money? is that a common thing among the more established stricter companies? or with smaller ones?

    thanks in advance smile

  • jeff120025th September, 2004

    Closings may be mostly, possibly exclusively handled by Real Estate Attorneys there.

  • JohnMichael16th September, 2004

    Each title company has it's own issues regarding double closings and their understanding of it most do not have issues when I deal with double closings with me do to volume and they understand how I work.

    This has taken years of working deals through them.

    1st starting out Real Estate Attorneys can be of great help for you.

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