A.D. Kessler Mentoring Program

I have been contacted by phone about the A.D. Kessler mentoring program...(i baught a book online & they got my info)
I want to know if anyone has ever heard of this(i know robert allen has one too)
and if it is legitamate?

they are asking 10k for the 'aggresive mentoring'
10 scheduled 1 hour conversations with a real estate professional
a package of educational materials
a trip to san diego for 2 at the hyatt to go to one of A.D. Kesslers Seminars to see him in person

does anyone think this would be worth it?
im thinking of putting it on a credit card because i dont have the cash for it
they sign a contract GAURANTEE'ING your investment back

what is everyones thoughts on this program? please help i dont know if i should do it


  • Young_Inno_Vative13th January, 2005

    they also made it seem like i won the lottery and was lucky to even be called much less accepted for the program....
    im nobody's chump so that line is hard to believe...
    im sure they call every person they can looking for a 10k investment cuz im surre their hit rate is very low
    anyway, please give me feedback!!!

  • JohnMichael13th January, 2005

    I am not knocking the program as this is close to what I charge as well. If you were able to do several real estate transactions, it would be a great investment.

    Than again, it's all up to you! Only you can truly guarantee your own success!

    Now let's compare with another option! An old timer on this forum is John Locke and his Subject To Training Course.

    You get FREE LIFETIME, unlimited private mentoring with me via email, fax and snail mail!
    In addition, you get his personal cell # for coaching as well.

    All this for under $700.

    Now you have $9,300 left to purchase several home subject to!

    Any time you deal with a program that promises mentoring make sure it's real! That it is unlimited! I look at it this way if it will take you to a level of success that you need and want than go for it! When I do mentoring with a student, it is vary important that they become successful if not than I have failed as a teacher and this is what mentoring is all about.

    Treat your education just like you would a property purchase! Investigate, compare it's value, run the numbers and if all looks good make the purchase.

  • mattfish1113th January, 2005

    10 hours of mentoring for $10K??? This doesn't seem like an aggressive approach to me...


  • Young_Inno_Vative13th January, 2005

    thanks JohnMichael, you, yourself actually do the mentoring? wheres JohnLocke at id like to talk to him, cuz if thats the case for 700 I would consider that over the Kessler Program

    and yea, Matt i had the same feeling but they have a 24 hour resource hotline to call at any time as well
    its only 10 1 hour scheduled phone calls
    and im pretty sure they are conference calls with other students too so i dont know how crazy of a deal it is...

    again, JohnMichael, please email me, or ask JohnLocke to, i need to get started, and a teachers my best bet

  • sanjosee13th January, 2005

    I don't have personal experience with that particular program. But most of the super high priced programs I have heard about from others, aren't worth it.

    Depending on what your goals are, I could make a suggestion for an alternative via email.

  • Young_Inno_Vative13th January, 2005

    please, any alternatives would be looked into
    thanks so much everyone

  • JohnMichael14th January, 2005

    On 2005-01-13 11:56, Young_Inno_Vative wrote:
    thanks JohnMichael, you, yourself actually do the mentoring? wheres JohnLocke at id like to talk to him, cuz if thats the case for 700 I would consider that over the Kessler Program

    and yea, Matt i had the same feeling but they have a 24 hour resource hotline to call at any time as well
    its only 10 1 hour scheduled phone calls
    and im pretty sure they are conference calls with other students too so i dont know how crazy of a deal it is...

    again, JohnMichael, please email me, or ask JohnLocke to, i need to get started, and a teachers my best bet

    Let me explain myself and John Locke are not affiliated in anyway short of being investors and teachers of real estate investing.

    John Locke provides coaching under his program!

    I coach under my program!

    Both are different!

    You can find John Locke's teachings at http://www.thecreativeinvestor.com/ChanPart-JohnLocke.html and if you need to reach John Locke you can do so by contacting him directly.

    You have to decide what direction you should go, what education you want to receive, and all this should be done with research.

    Education is as only as good as the student, education will provide you the vehicle towards success but if you never drive it, you go nowhere.

  • Young_Inno_Vative14th January, 2005

    i see...i spoke to john locke...i would also like to speak with you about your program so i can have a better idea of the available options...please private message me, or find my email in my profile

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