A Book On Tax Lien


can anyone recommend a book on tax lien for a complete beginer ?


Tori[ Edited by velin on Date 09/12/2003 ]


  • StatHaldol12th September, 2003

    One good one to start with is The 16% Solution by Moskowitz. You can get it at Amazon. Some of the information is out of date but it will give you a good overview of the process.
    Mike in Louisiana

  • appelgw12th September, 2003

    I'm going to violate a minor TCI law here and promote a VERY informative website that has educated me greatly about Tax Liens.

    ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's*** /Section_i

    Pages and pages of FREE information that will save you many $'s and headaches.

    Greg Appelt
    "gotta google"

  • appelgw12th September, 2003

    Hmmm - Now that done ticked me off joel - rajwarrior - Vern - or enormoustrousers.

    The bleep about ****Must Reach Senior Investor status before posting URL's**** doesn't seem to be accurate since I AM at the Senior Investor status.

    If anyone want's this fantastic FREE url, please see my profile and send me an e-mail or pvt message

    Greg Appelt

  • appelgw12th September, 2003

    Thanks to everyone who's requested the URL. I'd wonder if you'd kindly post a reply as to the value of it? I love helping out here on TCI, but want to ensure I'm providing value with my suggestions.

    Here's another attempt at telling you all what the URL is. www*taxlien*org slash Section_I (that's an i).

    Good luck, good hunting.

    Greg Appelt

  • hookage2nd October, 2003

    On 2003-09-12 13:08, appelgw wrote:
    Thanks to everyone who's requested the URL. I'd wonder if you'd kindly post a reply as to the value of it? I love helping out here on TCI, but want to ensure I'm providing value with my suggestions.

    Here's another attempt at telling you all what the URL is. www*taxlien*org slash Section_I (that's an i).

    Good luck, good hunting.

    Greg Appelt

    I surfed the URL and found alot of helpful information

    I myself haven't purchased anything as of yet, but hope to after I do my homework

  • fap2nd October, 2003

    I have searched alot on the web and that is one of the best sites on the net.

    His Taxleins site

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