A Bandit Stole My "For Sale" Sign

What or how does one avoid have their signs stolen? The sign was placed on Saturday and it was gone by Wednesday. It is not the fifty dollars to replace it, I just don't want to have to replace them all the time. On thought is sat the sign in two five gallon buckets of concret, making it too heavy for the average person to lift. But then that is a bit over the top when I have to move it myself. The neighborhood is nice, I could even live there myself. Maybe it was just some one that needed it more than I. Any thoughts on the subject. mad


  • tanya121517th April, 2003

    Maybe the homeowner's association took it out or even the county. I know the condo association in a particular neighborhood always removes any signs stuck on their lawns. You never know...


  • Vern17th April, 2003

    Hello Tanya, that is a good way to think about it. However, it is not that type of property. I was thinking it could be one of the potential buyer. I could see this one couple that did not want to have others bidding for the home. Or it could have been a realtor that wants me to list with them. I tell you Tanya, I just never thought anyone would steal a for sale sign. To have anything stolen from you just make one feel violated. I will get over it.

    Anyway I purchased a new sign that I will place in the front window.

  • Tazcat200017th April, 2003

    Here in Cincy, (a strange conservative city).. with exception to Realtor signs, if signs are left out past the weekend the county will pick them up. A FSBO can make their sign look like a Realtor sign and they won't bother it. The only exception to this ordinance is during an election where judges can leave their signs up indefinatly..go figure

  • JohnLocke17th April, 2003


    How to get around the bandit sign problem in most cities.


    Well, the polititians get around it!

    Having your bandit signs removed is just part of doing business. Either the city or another investor may be removing them.

    Weekends are probably the best time to place the signs starting Friday night this gives you the best chance of having your signs remain up for at least a few days.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • sire17th April, 2003

    We have had this problem from a Realtor. Found our missing sign beside his house. We had a talk and are okay.
    In another neighborhood we had a problem with the association saying our sign to sale was ugly. So we put one in the window. The window was a double 60+ inches across. Our window sign was MUCH larger and uglier, but never came down.

  • Ruca6517th April, 2003

    I think it's important to consider the possibility that it was me, who stole your sign. Or...someone like me, but 10 years my younger. Me and my friends had good times stealing a bunch of these signs and placing them in one of our friends yards.
    Good Times.

  • wgheisler17th April, 2003


    If you don't mind me asking, isn't fifty dollars a little much to pay for a For Sale sign? Is there something that makes a fifty dollar sign much better to advertise with than a five dollar sign?


  • Vern18th April, 2003

    Thank you all for you comments. Wgheisler, if you price one of those nice metal sign holder $29.00, the sign $8.95, the numbers .50 cent each x 20. Well there goes 50 bucks. But I can afford it (smile).
    Ruca65, I got a good laugh from your comments. That would be funny to steal a for sale sign and stick on the lawn of your best friend.
    Sire, I could see a realtor doing something like that as well, why not make the competition tuff on the do-it-yourselfer.
    John the sign was in the front lawn on the property that I own. I got to say, I don't much like bandit signs stuck out on the side of the road, but I have never pulled any ones sign down. So I would vote for you if you were to run for office. You have a level head on your shoulders, that more than I can say for some that are already in office.

    Solution: I will place the sign in the window if I don't get it L/O from the first group that I am doing my credit check on at the moment. Thanks again for your comments.

  • NC_Yank19th April, 2003

    Hi Vern,

    Just for your info, I have had the nice metal frame signs etc.....and of course they were stolen. Now I go to the local
    sign shop and get the cheap ones made with my number on it and a cheap wire frame to go along.

    I have never had another sign stolen and in the long run its cheaper if you buy in quantity.

  • Vern21st April, 2003

    Thanks NC Yank, that makes a lot of sense. I will check into doing that.

  • Nexus21st April, 2003


    Next time chain a hungry Pitbull to the sign. Sit down and see if someone dares to get close.

    Good Luck


  • materb77th July, 2003

    I have just recently received a patent pending on a lock for realtor signs and other signs. It is selling like hot cakes in our area, but I dont have any pricing for shipping them yet. The price for the entire lock set is around $10.00 per lock w/o shipping. Just getting started so I would be happy to look into it if you would be interested.

  • jshapiro7th July, 2003

    Where can one find more info, pics, etc... on this lock? It sounds interesting... =)

  • jrtechy7th July, 2003

    My neighbor puts the signs out during the day and brings them in at night. He says it is less work than having to run around replacing the lost ones. He feels that he does not loose as many with this scheme.

    [ Edited by jrtechy on Date 07/07/2003 ]

    [ Edited by jrtechy on Date 07/07/2003 ] [ Edited by jrtechy on Date 07/09/2003 ]

  • peoria7th July, 2003

    You could put up a video camera and see if you can catch them in the act.!!

  • justmjc7th July, 2003

    Or hook the frame up to a low voltage line. The only ones that would need to get close enough to it are the one that will get shocked to hell and back. LOL.

  • tktk7th July, 2003

    I think I have solved this problem. I was posting these signs on the corner of the street, in someone's yard. It dawned on me that either they were swiping them, or didn't care if someone swiped them. I now post the sign, and stick a letter under the door asking them to either return the sign, or guard it and receive $50 if the sign is up the day I get a renter. I leave them my phone #, and ask them to call me for a new sign if theirs disappears. This seems to work like a charm; hope it will work for you, too!

  • Vern8th July, 2003

    Thank you all for the great insight into options to protect my signs. I have been lucky thus far since the stolen sign came about. I have been able to get new tenants without the use of a sign. It appears word of mouth has gotten me more calls for placement than units that I have available. Thanks again for your comments.

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