
How can I convert a hotel or an apartment building/complex to condos?
Your answers will be appreciated, thanks in advance!!


  • KyleGatton14th September, 2004

    You will need to start with zoning for the area and see what they allow for condominiums and or timeshares.
    Then you will need to check with the code requirements of condominiums, and see what will need upgraded or changed. Since it is a new habitat you may need to upgrade the electric, or lose any grandfathering status you might have had.

    Once you find out if it is feasable to do it, you should contact a General Contractor for a free consultation and see how much they will charge you to oversee the project and help you out. They will normally want 10 grand to start as a retainer, but they will help with the financing since they will be familiar with the lenders and there requirements. I would advise going with one as they are experienced and they will be able to hold your hand through the process, to ensure a smooth and less costly transition.

    Good Luck,

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