Storage Uses For Former Gas Station Parcel

I am looking into building storage space near a metropolitan area. I found a commercially zoned parcel that is vacant because it former was a gas station. The land now has biohazards.

Has anyone here created storage units from this sort of land without removing the biohazards?All comments are welcomed.


  • KyleGatton23rd February, 2004

    I havent built anything without removing the biohazards. I can tell you that anything you do build will have problems selling if you dont remove the tanks. UST's (Underground Storage Tanks)always become LUST's (Leaking Underground Storage Tank's) .
    If you sell it without disclosure of the tanks you could be sued, furthermore if the guy you sell it too goes out of business you are responsible again. EPA has a thing for gas stations, always has always will.
    In short it just isnt a good idea to not clean it up. I would offer a lower price to buy it giving the highest estimated clean up, and then hire the cheapest guy to do it saving money.

    Good Luck,

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