800 #, Postcards,letters

I'm in process of sending out the following 2 types of letters/post cards.

1) Out of state owners - Planning on getting the names and properties listed on postcards (~$200 for 1,000). Is an 800 number a good idea? Would it be better to do a lot of research and just target those properties I really want or is mass mailing better?

2) Pre-forclosures- I was going to write a letter with persons name. I'm toggling on whether to find out how much is owed (going to county records, checking liens) before sending the letter out. I can't decide if its better to put up a lot of upfront research or just send the letters out and do the research when I get a call. These would be local calls, any need to get an 800# here?

Any ideas.

Thanks! confused


  • BAMZ12th November, 2003

    Hi pcastaldo,

    If you are mailing to out of state owners, you have already targeted the properties that you are going after. I would say mail to all of them. But give them several reasons to call you!

    Same for the preforeclosures, mail to all of them. The details are not essential unless they are interested in talking with you. I hope this helps!

    Best of success!



  • pcastaldo12th November, 2003


    it really helps!


  • mjdreal14th November, 2003

    My question is where in the world do you get a list of FSBO's other than from Qick datawhere you spend an arm and a leg.. I would love for someone to send me a magical internet link with about 1000 fsbo listings that would be great... By the way you guys and gals are the cream of the crop for every question I have you guys and girls here at TCI have realy come through, for alot of us NEWBEE's. I would like to thank you all, if I had long arms I'd, I'd, I'd hug you all, thanks.....MD

  • webuyproperties14th November, 2003

    Have you thought of getting your lists from the legal newspapers? Foreclosurers DO need to be filed in a public newspaper...
    Also, you can network with mortgage brokers. Pay them a referral fee. I just paid someone $500.00 and was able to help someone out of foreclosure. In a year, I'll make my money back and then some...
    Just a couple of suggestions

  • InActive_Account15th November, 2003

    Regarding the out of state solicitations:
    You may enclose a stamped post card with data you need to have, amoung which would be their phone number. Then call them. It may be more cost effective initially, than having an 800 number.

    Regarding the foreclosure letters:
    When I send letters. I filter the list. I only send letters to the ones who based on the data -have equity in their property.

    Others would take the no equity, low equity , negative equity owners and work them. I'm too lazy for that. Albeit sometimes I find myself doing the short sale or other lender gambit

    Of course, it depends on the type of information you can obtain and the source of this information. If you're using a reporting service than it's easy. If you have to go the court house to filter the population of defaultees, then I'd just sent to everyone to save time.

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