7 Day Notice To Cure - Next Step In Florida

I live in Broward County and cannot get an answer given all the turmoil post Wilma. What is the next step following a 7 Day Notice? The cops have visited this tenant 6 times in two months plus there are unapproved residents. Not to mention suspicion of drug dealing. I read somewhere that the ability to evict is quick under these circumstances...


  • bgrossnickle31st October, 2005

    The next step is to get an eviction lawyer.


  • Cornell8110th November, 2005

    Brenda, just go electricity back after 15 days without in Fort Lauderdale. I already filed eviction papers in Hollywood and am waiting seven days. It seems as if the next step is simply to file a motion for default once they do not reply in the specified period. Not sure what a lawyer would do other than that at this point.

    What say you? Thanks

  • bgrossnickle10th November, 2005

    Let us know how it works out.

  • Cornell8110th November, 2005

    That was helpful. Trying to inflate your post count?

  • bgrossnickle10th November, 2005

    You start by asking "what is the next step following a 7 day notice". Seven day notice in FL is prior to any filing of eviction papers. I give you an answer. Then you go on to say "I already filed eviction papers in Hollywood and am waiting seven days. It seems as if the next step is simply to file a motion for default once they do not reply in the specified period. "

    So you have already filed eviction papers and want to think that you know what you are doing, even though you did not know what happens after a 7 day notice.

    What the heck am I suppose to say? You ignored my advice to get a lawyer and now you are still stumbling through the eviction asking questions.

    My comment was to suggest that it will not turn out as you planned and I want you to report back on your experience for the education of others. Your county just went 15 days without electricity, you do not think that the judge will be lienant on a tenant? Your 7 day notice stinks. Do you really think that you have filed all the paperwork correctly? I buy lots of houses from landlord that have tried their own evictions.

    BTW - did you know on the 7 day notice you can not include the day you deliever, or the next day if you deliever after 6:00pm. You can not include Sat, Sun, or holidays in the 7 days in which they can cure. You can not give it to a minor. You must mail it and post it on the door. It can only reference specific violations of the lease. The names must be exactly as on the lease. You must also include "and all others in possession". The rent amount listed can not include any late fees or any monies other than straight rent. You gave them a notice to cure, what proof do you have that they have not cured the activity. And .... the cops visiting your residence is not a violation of your lease, what proof do you have of unapproved residents, and suspicion of drug dealing is just your suspicion - you have no proof. I judge will throw out your 7 day notice in a heart beat.

  • Cornell8111th November, 2005

    Thanks for your input. Your initial answers were to "hire a lawyer" and "let us know how you make out". If you consider that helpful, you should become a Florida school teacher.

    My approach to anything is to try to understand it the first time myself before outsourcing it. I did know much of what you rambled on with already. That was very impressive. Perhaps you should stay off posting if you think that is helpful for people who are using the board for educational purposes.

  • bgrossnickle12th November, 2005

    If you are using this board to become a lawyer or in place of a lawyer, you are going to be in a world of hurt.

  • kittiwulfi14th November, 2005

    On 2005-11-11 09:38, Cornell81 wrote:
    Thanks for your input. Your initial answers were to "hire a lawyer" and "let us know how you make out". If you consider that helpful, you should become a Florida school teacher.

    My approach to anything is to try to understand it the first time myself before outsourcing it. I did know much of what you rambled on with already. That was very impressive. Perhaps you should stay off posting if you think that is helpful for people who are using the board for educational purposes.

    I would also try to understand it myself first. Eviction is not a rocket science. I am sure, you will manage that part of your business very good soon.
    Good luck!

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