3 Basic Steps for Creating a Marketing Campaign to Attract Motivated Sellers

There are three basic steps to creating any marketing campaign:

1) Define your target MARKET

2) Create a powerful MESSAGE

3) Choose the right MEDIA to deliver the message to your market

Market, message and media are the three basic ‘M’s of your marketing campaign. See, marketing is looking easier already.

This article provides an overview of the three 'M's of marketing. Let’s look at the first ‘M’.


Careful selection of the prospects you target will greatly improve the success of your campaign.

The more you know about your prospects, can define who they are, understand their needs and wants, the better you will communicate with and attract the business of your target market.

You can have the best marketing message in the world, but it is no good if it falls on deaf ears.

So ask yourself these questions:

“What kind of deals do I want to find?”

“What kind of prospect do I need to find in order to find these deals?”

“What does this prospect need more than anything? What keeps them up at night”

“Where do they live? Where do they work?”


For example, if you want to find short sale deals, you need to find people who are in default on their house payments. You need to know that their biggest desire is to stop foreclosure, save some of their equity, or even just be free of the hassle and humiliation of foreclosure.

The more time you spend understanding and defining your ideal prospect, the easier it will be to write your marketing message.


Now that you have defined your target market, you need to create a powerful marketing message that will whip them
into a frenzy and make them want to call right away to do business with you.

Here is the #1 thing that you need to ask yourself when you write your message.

“Why should your prospect do business with you over every other option available to him/her?”

You MUST have a good answer to that question. Sit down and spend at least an hour brainstorming as many answers
to this question as you can. This will give you bullet points to write you marketing message with.

Going back to the example of targeting owners in default, you can offer:

1) To remove the headache of dealing with the bank from them

2) Cash so they can move or take care of other financial needs

3) To stop the foreclosure process

4) Etc.

The next step is to get this message in front of your prospects and to get it read.


When it comes to choosing the best media for delivering your message, it is important to think about getting the attention of the prospect.

If your message is ignored, immediately discarded or even just put down “until later”, then it has failed. Your message won’t do any good unless it gets noticed and read.

Here are some ideas of media you can use: postcards, letters, e-mail, radio, oversized postcards, television, radio, classifieds, recorded messages, signs, vehicle signs, coupon mailers, business cards, web site, free publicity and networking.

Use multiple media to hit your prospects. Follow up often. Make sure you track your results so you know which media is working the best for your campaign.

With these 3 steps, you should be well on your way to marketing success.


  • JohnLocke20th March, 2005


    Very Good article, but if I may you forgot the most important "M" of all when marketing is done correctly.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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