2 Weeks From Sheriff's Sale..........

Scenario: My sister being the mailman, (I mean mailperson, actually, I think the politically correct term is postal worker) I got a bit of a "heads up" on a sheriff's sale. She was delivering a parcel, and had to knock on the door, on which a notice of foreclosure was posted, the owner came to the door, and ripped the notice off the door stating that she refused to be embarrassed by her neighbors and everyone knowing about it. My sister knowing that I am interested in REI, told me about it.... I know the property has to have been listed in the paper etc, but the fact that there is no notice on the property itself could only work in my favor. I found out that it goes up for auction in two weeks, but do not have the details on the property as yet.
I did put a little letter in the door saying that I was not a realtor or broker, but that I work with investors who may be able to help....keeping them from having the foreclosure on their credit, etc.... I said that there were some options I would like to discuss with them, that I was the trust worthy, work at home, mother of four children, and pretty much their neighbor, living about 5 minutes away. I received a call from them on my machine, and returned it to leave a message on theirs.... I suggested getting together and getting some necessary info in order to decide what the best option would be, etc.... That was yesterday, I have not heard back from them yet, but as time is of the essence, I wanted to write a follow up letter, and just list briefly, a few of the options available.
I have an investor willing to work with me, we completed one deal together, me as the bird dog, he trusts me, and I him... by the way, we met on TCI.. grin Anyway my question is.... With them being 2 weeks from auction, given that I have an investor in hand, what are some of the better options I should include in my "options letter" to them?
I'm not sure how to simplify what’s available so that it makes sense to them..
Any input would be appreciated.


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