17 Reasons This is a Great Way to Make a Living!

I was sitting with some investor friends the other day and we were talking about how we often take it for granted that we don't have "real" jobs and that real estate is an incredible way to make a living. So after that meeting I decided to jott down some of my favorite things about being an investor.

So… if you aren’t yet a full time investor, here are a few of the things you have to look forward to:
1. You can run errands during the day and hardly anyone else is around

2. You don't have to take off work to make doctors or dentists appointments

3. You can shower any time during the day you want (Often I shower at 12:00 if I don’t have any early morning meetings.)

4. You can vacation whenever you want, because if you have a laptop and a cell phone you can run this business from anywhere. (It does help a lot if you have a virtual assistant.)

5. Your perception of money becomes "warped". You'll spend $200 on a seafood dinner and not think twice about it. Or $2,500 on a few days vacation without blinking an eye.

6. You control your own schedule and do what you want, when you want. (Like going to play pool at 1:00 in the afternoon, or going hiking on a Thursday).

7. You can take your dog on a walk in the woods everyday

8. You can take a nap everyday if you wish (I'm really starting to get into this whole nap thing. I like to fall asleep in my favorite chair for about 30 minutes.)

9. You have an assistant that runs your life! (And without her you'd be screwed because she probably knows more about your business than you do.)

10. You're the boss. No office politics. You get to make 100% of the decisions.

11. One deal can pay for a new car.

12. Lots and lots of tax deductions.

13. Did I mention the fact that you can take a vacation once a month if you wish?

14. Being able to walk down a flight of stairs to get to your "office"

15. Being able to make fun of your friends who are in a cubicle all day

16. Being able to take 3 day weekends when ever you want.

17. Never having to worry about money (I'm truly grateful for this.)

So what’s on your list? If you don’t have one, start one today so you have something to look forward too.


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