$10 To Make It Legal

I read on here that all it takes is $10 down to make a Sub2 legal. How is that So?


  • samedwin13th April, 2004

    Let me step in and say that at NO time has John EVER pressured ANYONE into buying his material. He's NOT in it for the $$. He like to help people. You think someone who's made millions by investing in Real Estate is worried about a couple thousand bucks from selling books... Hell no.
    CASH teaches us that we are in the business of helping people, and we get a little scratch for doing it. Success is our goal, and the money follows. John has been there in my times of need via email and phone (yes, he answers the phone), and he was not making any $$ by helping me any further. I already purchased his material. So I, along with the other many here ( go ahead and do a search and see how much great stuff you'll find about cash's course) will attest to that. Sorry that one goofball is trying to stear you wrong. It irratates me, someone is successful, and tries to help others and poor little pity party can't handle it.

    I highly recomend John's course. I can honestly say that it's the ONLY reason I have gotten off my rump and made $$ in REI. I hope you find what you are looking for.

    Best of Luck,
    PS, I'm done venting... LOL [ Edited by samedwin on Date 04/13/2004 ]

  • heyshid13th April, 2004

    So is a purchase agreement something I get from the city and I pay them $10 when I bring it back signed?

  • samedwin13th April, 2004

    It's just a purchase agreement.
    I, Bob (buyer) agree to buy 123 Easy Street from Mark (seller) for the purchase price of $120,030.
    Deposit $10
    Balance owed $120,020.
    In consideration of the amount of the deposit ($10), reciept which is hereby acknowleged......
    It's just the "consideration" that says you have basically says this contract is legal because you "paid" for it, sort of.
    Think of it as the deposit that makes the contract legal. That'll get you by.
    Good luck.
    Oh, you can get contracts to purchase a house from MANY sources. I got mine from John $Cash$ Locke's Sub-2 manual.

  • heyshid13th April, 2004

    "John $Cash$ Locke's Sub-2 manual. " Who is that and do you have a link. Is it possible to get the contracts free or very cheap?[ Edited by heyshid on Date 04/13/2004 ]

  • heyshid13th April, 2004

    oh I just found it. Is it possible to buy it used. I cant affort $689

  • samedwin13th April, 2004

    You can buy his manual for just $189 on this website. Keep looking, you'll find it.

  • heyshid13th April, 2004

    does the $189 version have the legal papers in it?[ Edited by heyshid on Date 04/13/2004 ]

  • JohnLocke13th April, 2004

    If I may the $189 manual has the paperwork as well as the $689 course and they are both available here at TCI.

    You can buy them used I am sure, but you get free lifetime e-mail with me one on one, my cell phone when you need advice fast and two password protected web sites where investors and bird dogs network with one another, you receive the above with either the course or manual.

    Used gets you a used manual or course but that is all.

    The difference is the manual will get you deals, but you will still have a learning curve, the course puts you on the fast track in your investing career with knowledge way beyond the norm, some students have their first deal within a week or so after reading and studying the course, not all however do.

    It all boils down to how serious "you" are in your creative investing career and if you are willing to follow through with what is taught, get off your butt and go for it.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • jthomas0413th April, 2004

    I don't want to sound too negative, but John Locke only wants your money. Mr. Locke, many people offer advice better than yours for no fee at all. If helping people was his only motive then Mr. Locke would provide more free resources. There are plenty free resources available but people don't put forward the effort to find them and Mr. Locke just smiles and gets rich. Don't get me wrong, we live in a capitalist society and I praise Mr. Locke for his successful business practices, but just like the ads you see on tv, it's only about selling a manual. Hopefully, one day I will write my own manual, but it will only cost like 10 dollars. If you like to make other people rich then go right ahead. John Locke is definitely overrated and overpriced for me.

  • JohnLocke13th April, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I could not figure out at first why the negative post, since you do not have my materials, nor do you know any of my students out doing deals, or the hours I spend on my cell phone, not only the hours, but my cell bill is a house payment. Ask anyone of my students who answers the phone.

    Let's not stop with the phone their are thousands of emails with me one on one that I answer giving advice and helping people not only students but all that ask.

    It dawned on my why you would say what you did because you really don't know anything about me, but I did not answer any of your posts so I understand your frustration.

    I will list a few so everyone can see, what I did not do.


    I am still new to the sub 2 process and I am working on my first deal. I think that I have the right documents but I am not 100% sure. Here are the ones I plan on using:

    warranty deed subject to debt
    quitclaim deed
    Power of attorney

    Do I need any other forms?


    I would like to do a sub2 deal and rent a potential property. If I decided to owner finance once I sub2 the property would that be a problem


    Is the finder's fee the principal way I can get paid for birddogging? Also, should have an agreement with a local realtor or just investors


    I own my home and I would like to sell and owner finance it, but I am not sure what will happen if the buyer decides that they no longer want to live in the home after a few years. If they were to sell the house to someone how would that affect me?


    They were answered by some of my students, so I saw no need to follow up as they are professional investors giving good advice to you.

    The next time you want to get negative, you should know more about a person other than, he must be bad because he did not answer my posts.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • heyshid13th April, 2004

    Well, everyone is talking about this book on this website so it must be good. Sometimes free is not that good and hard to find. I may go in with a friend to buy the book together.

    John Locke, I got a question for you. How do you Sub2 a deal when the seller is on contract with a realtor?

  • myfrogger13th April, 2004

    All real estate purchase agreements must include some form of consideration. The easiest form of consideration is cold hard cash and $10 will do.


  • InActive_Account14th April, 2004


    I take great offense at your aspersions directed at JohnCashLocke. I've never met the gentleman nor taken his courses. I'm an investor from the pre-internet days. Had I known about his courses, I surely would have taken them. How many investors have done 500 real estate transactions in their career?

    JCL has 2500+ posts. Do you realize the time and sacrifice that takes? Do you think they were to sell his products?? I think not. That's the mark of a sharing, caring teacher. How many posts do you have? And, you're already casting stones? It's one thing to have your own/different opinion regarding the subjet matter. It's quite another to sully the man's intent and reputation without any proof.

    JCL is a moderator of virtually every forum on this website. There's only one forum on "Subject To". Doesn't that say something about his intent and generousity?

    His students have nothing but praise and gratitude for his help.

    Without a shard of proof in your allegations, you would do well retract your statements and offer him an apology.

  • somoose14th April, 2004

    Sounds like jthomas04 is in the proverbial Crab Bucket. Reminds me of a story. While crabbing on the coast of Florida when I was a kid, my daddy gave me a lesson about crabs and people. After catching my first crab, my dad told me to throw him in the bucket and put the lid on...which I did with care. After catching my second crab that night, daddy told me to throw him in the bucket but that I didn't have to worry about putting the lid on the bucket with two crabs in there. I said they'll crawl out if I don't put the lid on. That's where the lesson came in...Daddy told me that as long as I had at least two crabs in the bucket I could leave the lid off. He said that as soon as one crab scratches and crawls his way up to the rim of the bucket and almost escapes, the other crab will reach up and grab him and pull him back in the bottom of the bucket with him.

    Daddy told me that some people are like these crabs in a bucket. As soon as one is about to escape the "bucket of life" and experience freedom, someone will reach up and yank 'em back down to the bottom. He told me that when I feel one of 'em grab my ankle, just kick the hell out of 'em and jump for freedom!

    It was a great life lesson that has stuck with me.

    Don't listen to the crabs in the bottom of the bucket. They love company!

    Crawling for FREEDOM,


    [ Edited by somoose on Date 04/14/2004 ][ Edited by somoose on Date 04/14/2004 ]

  • InActive_Account14th April, 2004

    Dear jthomas04 who Joined on: 04/06/2004 ...........I must add my blah here n say that I have been a member longer than what's listed on our profile
    ( had diff nic...lost the plot for awhile...) anyway.........
    This forum has been an excellent source for us getting a start, and if you take the initiative & read through Mr Locke's and the other expert's posts...I think your 1st seven posts might not look as goofy as they did up there ^.
    Granted, we've made a few wonky posts ourselves, but we read ,read, read, shut n listened to people who've already been there done that , made a few blunders, then read some more.
    Consequently, we've now made $55,000 in 8 weeks and I am the mother of 5 kids and never even got the chance to finish high school !
    So don't spend your time advising others what you don't know about please, there are more than enough books on the market, how many authors do you get to meet?
    Please don't send me the free info you have thank you Sir/Ma'am, it obviousley doesn't help any.
    Good evening. grin

  • bobabby14th April, 2004

    Well... John Locke wants to make some money, he deserves to. Most everything about his program is right on the money, and I say "most" only because I don't hv nearly the experience needed to critque . I'm a student and the materials provided by Cash and others is what we need to figure out where our niche is this incredible creative real estate market. We pay for information and are grateful it's available.
    John is providing his information at fair market value, maybe better. To live in today's markets the 1st most important investment is education. I'm very pleased and am grateful to find organized useful information in John's program. Gee Whiz spends some money and get some good education. this is a business and we do indeed help each other.

  • ramgon128014th April, 2004


    That was a fantastic analogy! Your father was a wise man!!! Ill remember that one!

  • jeff1200214th April, 2004

    Ditto to the above post. Great Story!

  • somoose14th April, 2004

    Hi ramgon1280,

    Not "was", he's still kickin' the hell out of 'em! He's my hero!!!


  • jthomas0414th April, 2004

    I believe that I am entitled to my own opinion. My post was just the way I feel. Yes, I am new to REI. I have never claimed to be a guru or to claim to have a wealth of knowledge. You guys are really naive. Out of a class of 30 students maybe 5 people will be come very successful and maybe 10 will be average investors( this is given JCL is a PHD professor). If anyone in this forum believes JCL has a 50% success rate they are really in the dark. For $689 anyone can call me anytime as well. You guys act like i committed a horrible sin by stating my opinion. I may change my mind and buy his book or take a class someday but at this time I have learned a lot just because I want to. I am a realist. For the guy with the crab story, that is far from being true, I never told anyone not to listen to JCL or not to buy his material. I am not trying to bring anyone one down. I just want people to know that you can't put a price on knowledge and experience and if you want to learn without spending 200-700 dollars it is really possible.

  • millionby3014th April, 2004

    you are correct that you can gain a wealth of knowledge without spending 200-700 dollars. However, you should keep in mind that some of the knowledge you gain is likely to put you out of business. A course such as Mr. Locke's, which I own, streamlines the investment process and limits any potholes that you may step in because you think it's a rip-off to spend $700 for a course. If you think Mr. Locke is doing it for the money, take a look at the price most others charge for their courses. I have called and e-mailed Mr. Locke multiple times, and have always received a quick knowledgable response. Using his course, I just bought my first property that will probably net me close to 30K. Pretty good return for a $700 investment.
    I have been a musician since I was 11 years old, and have never had a music lesson in my life. People ooh and ahh about "how talented I am", especially since I have never taken lessons. But if I had it to do over again, I would have taken lessons. What has taken me years to learn probably would have only taken months, maybe weeks to learn. My point is, don't be too proud to take lessons.

  • jeff1200215th April, 2004


    While I have served to defend your right to say what you want to, there is such a thing as abusing a priveledge. There were some pretty strong statements in your comments about Mr. Locke, that offended many of us that read your comments.

    " I don't want to sound too negative, but John Locke only wants your money. "

    You are correct, you have a right to an opinion, it's just that most people have some evidence to back up a theory before they voice it as strongly as you did. I would say that there is more evidence that Mr. Locke is a helpful person, and an asset to us at TCI, not contingent upon spending money on is course as a prerequisite. I have read more than one post with him offering help, real help to someone that;s just getting started that hadn't purchased any his material.

    "If helping people was his only motive then Mr. Locke would provide more free resources. "

    At this point Mr. Locke has 2562 instances of free information that he has provided here on TCI alone. All of it worth at least as much as the recipients paid for it. (FREE)

    "John Locke is definitely overrated and overpriced for me."

    Overrated? I guess that depends on who you ask. The majority of the evidence that I've seen, and my personal experience in this matter is that the course he offers for $189, is well worth the price. Read reviews of his courses. The majority of those that have bought it have praise for the quality of information offered there, and the value they have recieved. Yes, There are several free sources of material out there, including your public library. If you spend your time reading all there is on Sub2 investing, you might even be able to compile information that is more complete. But not more comprehensive. That comes from experience. His information is clear and direct and to the point, Not a lot of fluff. How much time would it take to compile information as useful? How much is your time worth?

    You're probably right about one thing though, It probably is overpriced for you. That is one part of your statement that I see that you have first hand knowledge about, and the one point you're uniquely qualified to make.

    Good luck to you, and yours,

  • j_owley15th April, 2004

    very interesting to say the least.


  • JamesStreet15th April, 2004


    I am not one to bash anyone but I have to tell you that I spent the 180 on the manual. I have talked at some lenght to John both on the phone and via email. I was doing REI before I got his course and was doing ok. After I read his material I have done great.

    In one week using what John taught me I bought 750,000 in property for less than $5000. (a duplex, a triplex, and a single family home, (that I have already sold for 10,000 down and an extra 100 a month) I am already getting a return on my rentals.) I called him when the ink was dried to thank him. I had his course 1 week before I did my first deal (put $3000 cash in my pocket plus $150 a month bump) will put 25,000 in my greedy little hand when they refi. My cost $10 to the seller.

    I don't tell you this to brag. My hope is that people will understand that this site and that John as well as others really are here helping us. John is more than willing to share and listen. He knows the fears and the pitt falls why not ask and learn. My 2 cents....

    John again thank you....

  • summerj15th April, 2004

    After reading and listening to everyone on this site- Yesterday I bought Locke's $189 course . I also purchased Legrands course for much more than that 2 months ago. I am a public school teacher with a master degree(which I spent 10k on) and still not affraid to spend $ on furthering my education. One thing that I have learned in life is you have to be willing to spend a little money in order to make a lot. I like it when people are affraid to spend a little money on educating themselves-Keep looking for those free and cheap handouts in life. While you are doing that I will be blowing past you making "Trump money "with the Strategies I learned from the pro's.

    (OK I think we beat up on this person enough).

  • JamesStreet15th April, 2004


    Just wanted to wish you good luck... I to am a public school teacher and I love teaching. I find that being a teacher is a plus in this business because you will spend 90% of your time teaching and explaining to your prospects what will happen. Always happy to see people taking a chance....(What is your area? Me social studies..History and Economics)

  • wstone115th April, 2004

    Well John although you did a fantastic job of defending your honor it was hardly necessary as your army of followers came to your defense.

  • nebulousd15th April, 2004

    I didn’t want to toot my horn as many already have, but jthomas04, you are way off the mark.

    Lets break this down a little further. Click on Products & Services and then on sell a product. You will see that TCI takes 50% of the sale…75% if you sell a service. What does that mean?…John is not getting as much as you hoped. Yes John Locke mails it to you personally with a first class stamp (It’s the little things that count). But lets throw out production cost, copyright costs, editing hours, taxes, and all that other junk you have to pay for just to sell a product. The fun part is, you get to run up his cell phone bill and get all your money back. But lets go beyond the little stuff.

    Me and about 20 people or so in my area, not all of them were students of John Locke, some were family members other were friends, we all decided to meet at the Olive Garden just to have a meet and greet and network. I shouldn’t have to say it but John Locke drove a couple of hours from Tampa just to sit with us and have lunch. And it may not seem like much to you, but needless to say, he did pick up the tab. I know what your about to say. I paid $700 bucks on a course and what did I get…a free meal from the Olive Garden…..but don’t leave out the fact that I am debt free because John’s materials have taught me how to be successful in Real Estate.

    I’m not one to brag about deals, but, there was a time when I was working on a $700,000 deal and not only did John and I do the cell phone thing, but again, he hopped in his Saturn station wagon, drove up from Tampa again, and personally helped me on this deal. I’m sorry, did I say Saturn station wagon, I meant to say Stretched BMW X5 Limo. And John didn’t come up to help me because he wanted to make some money, he came up because I asked him to and he wanted to help and see me be successful. I’m not going to get into the details of what happened because that is beside the point, but if you want to know, you’ll need to pay me $689 for that bit of info…And I keep 100% of the proceeds.

    This is my favorite quote:
    “If helping people was his only motive then Mr. Locke would provide more free resources. There are plenty free resources available but people don't put forward the effort to find them and Mr. Locke just smiles and gets rich.”

    “Provide more free resources.” Did you really think before you wrote that? Ask your Lawyer, Accountant, and Realtor how many more free resources they provide? And for the record…John Locke was already rich before he ever sold a course.

    [ Edited by nebulousd on Date 04/15/2004 ]

  • jthomas0415th April, 2004

    WOW, I am really amazed! I think you proved exactly what I was talking about in your long blurb about nothing. Honestly, I am tired of talking about this topic and really didn't expect this response, but that's what happens when you voice your opinion I guess. I think JCL is a good person. I just said he wants to get rich and people like you help facilitate that because you lack the ability to learn for your self. ONLY IN AMERICA!! Can people remain lazy bums and just cough up a few dollars to pay for what they want instead of finding it themselves. Actually, Since you people think his service is so great, he should raise his prices. I'm sure most of you brainwashed incompetents will still buy it. I have found docs, articles and other info that explains most of this stuff in plain english.

  • JamesStreet15th April, 2004


    Your right we are lazy. How is it going reinventing the wheel? How are you doing with your study of law? Taxes? I am very glad that you are not lazy because we need people out there reiventing ideas...... Myself I will stay lazy and follow that path forged by you and other great thinkers and I will still make more than you.......

    Bill Gates (bought the DOS operating system for $2000), Donald Trump (used Dad's contacts and access to cash), and I use my access to John..... Funny I am making money how about you?

  • JohnLocke15th April, 2004


    Let me explain the difference between making a post business and making it personal.

    Business would mean that you are factually correct in what you say and post.

    Personal would be name calling because someone dissagreed with you and instead of defending your position with relative facts, you lower yourself to name calling such as "brainwashed incompetents".

    I am sure that those that responded to this post will make sure they show their appreciation for you calling them the above when you make future posts.

    I really appreciate the crab story and how it relates.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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