1. TX. Investing And 2. Taping A Texas Tax Sale

Hello Investors:

I am interested in investing in Texas. I have heard that it is a dud because it is fixed at the county level. For those who wrote that, please explain in more detail. Of course, why I could play ball too?

And can I tape a tax sale with my Sony Handycam DV video recorder? Being that it is a public event, would I have the right to video tape the event even though someone may object to being taped?



  • chance9917th December, 2003

    Try your questions on this site.
    ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's***

    The guy who wrote the book (literally) on TX tax sales posts there.

  • rehabber_pa19th December, 2003

    Most states have a Sunshine law, that,
    among other things, allows taping of
    any public meeting. Check with TX statutes,
    but you should be okay.

  • RonaldStarr20th December, 2003


    I have audio taped a couple of tax sales. The tax collector's did not seem to mind. I put the portable tape recorder up on a table in front of one of them, to get good recording.

    So, I think you will be ok, just as long as you do not create a nuisance or distraction. I'd recommend using a tripod and a cord to control the camera, so that you are not standing up or getting up and down, making a distraction.

    Good Investing and Good Taping**********Ron Starr***********

  • WheelerDealer20th December, 2003

    Why do you want to tape it? you get a hand out with all the property's listed. just write down the final bid. when the sale is over it's over. beside's texas on a non-homestead has a 6 mos redemption period which means you would have to wait that loong to tey to track someone elses investment to see how it turned out if even listed. If your trying to do research


  • pejames21st December, 2003

    No matter where you plan on investing in TL or TD, you need to do the research in the area you plan on investin in. The same hold true with any investing you plan on doing. You could tape the sale if you want, but until you understand the mechanics of how the sale is conducted and what the legal issues are, the tape is not much good to you, unless you plan on selling your info to people everywhere. Not a bad idea! Good luck

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