1-800 No Agent, Which One Works Best?

I am listening to the pitches of the different companies like 1-800 No agent, sell now, sell fast, etc.

They all seem to have good TV & Radio adds and I have called several people who appear happy.

The most memorable seems to be the 800 no agent number (although I like the jingle and advertising of the Buy Kwik) best.

As I am ready to take my business to the next level radio and television are a necessity. I want to go from 5-10 a month to 30.

I talked to the Boise affiliate of No agent and he is earning 7 figures mostly from bill board and radio. He spends 7K a month on advertising.

These seem vastly superior to homevestors and much more feasable.

Is there anyone out there that has used one of these licensee programs? What is your experience??

I hope to make a decision in 10 days.



  • IBuyHousesInc15th February, 2006

    In my opinion, TV alone, with that limited budget ,will not pull 40-50 qualified leads a month.... And your closing ratio will depend on your business model...

    Both of the companies commercials are similar in style... Unfortunately they don’t answer the questions sellers have. And that is why call.

    Yes their programs are less expensive than building your own commercials however I am not so certain it is money well spent at that budget... I would rather let you use my 30 minute infomercial and have the vanity number directed to your area...

    Infomercials are powerful because they tell a story and I have had sellers call me and say "I thought you were talking about me"

    Good Luck

  • Stockpro9915th February, 2006

    Thanks, I target default properties especially those needing major rehab. I send thousands of letters each month, use several websites to generate leads, and a variety of other things. For me in my market a deal means 10k at a minimum. If I can bring in an extra 4-5 deals a month it is well worth it (whatever method).
    I like the idea of an infomercial, but wonder what the cost would be in my target market of 500-600K people and how often they would have to see it to get a real response. so far I figure on $200-$500 per deal for marketing.

  • energy16th February, 2006


    Contact me at energy3 @ Cox .net

  • InActive_Account19th February, 2006

    Check out 1-800-PAYCASH. Their Phoenix guy is ex-Homevestors and I think checked out all these systems. He is buying a lot of houses. At least 15-20 a month. His name is Chris.

  • InActive_Account19th February, 2006

    Check out 1-800-PAYCASH. Their Phoenix guy is ex-Homevestors and I think checked out all these systems. He is buying a lot of houses. At least 15-20 a month. His name is Chris.

  • Stockpro9920th February, 2006

    I actually checked out several and his was one of the ones that I looked at as well as the No Agent site.

    I started to go crazy and hired a marketing consultant to look at half a dozen of them and give me an un biased opinion.

    She liked the the PayCash ads the best and thought that would be the way to go if I was not going to create my own brand and vanity phone number etc..

    I have the plan to make a decision by the end of next week if possible and will be calling them back to see what we can do as far as exclusivity etc.


  • Ruman21st February, 2006

    This is exactly where I want to be. I just spoke to 1-800-PAY-CASH today. It sounds very interesting, lookin at about $5k/month in my area. I have done much in the arena of listing and selling pre-foreclosures and short sales, and a minor amount of buying them myself but my question would be are there that many leads in which have enough equity to let you purchase the house from them without the need of a SSale? This is exactly the area I want to be in so any help on peoples past experiences with large marketing campaigns would be great.


    On 2006-02-20 18:26, Stockpro99 wrote:
    I actually checked out several and his was one of the ones that I looked at as well as the No Agent site.

    I started to go crazy and hired a marketing consultant to look at half a dozen of them and give me an un biased opinion.

    She liked the the PayCash ads the best and thought that would be the way to go if I was not going to create my own brand and vanity phone number etc..

    I have the plan to make a decision by the end of next week if possible and will be calling them back to see what we can do as far as exclusivity etc.


  • hha822nd February, 2006

    Here is an interesting thread from a few months back. I am still confused as to if the owner of RA?K properties is just a licensee or the owner. Apparently he was taking properties subject to, leasing them out, and not paying the mortgages. The government ended up having to buy back these FHA properties back from the bank.


  • Stockpro9922nd February, 2006

    I used to agree, unfortunately such is not the case. I have hired several marketing consultants and done some research on this.

    I currently use a 877 number myself with some success, however I know I am losing business as I call the 1800 version of my number and they say " oh, your the guy! We get calls for you all the time!"

    If it is not an 800 number a significant amount of traffic will be lost, in this industry it will be between 10-20%. A couple of the companies that I contacted stated that this could be as high as 30%. This would equate to a significant loss in income and an increase in advertising costs per qualified lead.

    That said, anything is better than nothing and a mediocre plan in action is better than the best plan in the world on a shelf.

    I am still trying to look at all the angles and see what I can do to maximize advertising dollars. At $1500 per month that equates to 18K a year in just licensing fees. If I can buy the number for 5k and spend another 5-10K in production of artwork and 15 second ads for tv then I will be money ahead.

    If I take it one step further and license it out myself for a mere $1000 set up fee and $500 a month then I have an alternate/additional source of revenue and I recapture my startup costs...

    Amazing how much there is to consider and how much you can pickup from a $150 and hour marketing consultant


  • Stockpro9927th February, 2006

    I think that I did 4 deals with Fast home offers last year.


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